RGS Assists in Implementing Remote Meeting Protocols

image of coronovirus viruses
Published On: March 16, 2020

Update – Effective March 17, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Executive Order N29-20 which removes the requirement of a physical location for a public meeting. During the time period where state or local public health officials have imposed or recommended social distancing measures, public meetings may be accessible telephonically or otherwise to all members of the public. All state and local bodies are urged to adhere as closely as possible to the provisions of the Bagley-Keene Act and Brown Act to continue to maximize transparency and provide the public access to meetings.

As the global Covid-19 pandemic develops, local agencies are trying to identify creative ways to continue operations and governance with minimal physical contact. RGS staff assisted the Fort Ord Reuse Authority in developing a remote meeting protocol for its upcoming Board and Committee Meetings using an online platform.

We anticipate that the first few meetings will present unique challenges but once participants get the hang of it – we believe this approach will be incredibly useful in supporting efforts to slow the spread of the disease.

Please feel free to use the information provided to develop your own approach. For questions please contact Kendall Flint via phone (650) 587-7310 or kflint@rgs.ca.gov. She is currently following the Governor’s request, working from home.

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