COVID-19: Plan NOW to Recover Emergency Costs!

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Published On: March 17, 2020

Update – on March 19, 2020, FEMA released the fact sheet for Coronavirus (COVID-10) Pandemic: Eligible Emergency Protective Measures.

On March 13, 2020, the President issued a federal emergency declaration for the ongoing Coronavirus Pandemic. Local government entities are eligible to apply for assistance under the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Public Assistance(PA) Program. Here are the highlights:

  • Currently a 75% Federal Cost Share
  • Maintain and organize documentation to support an audit by FEMA and the Office of Inspector General
  • Eligible work activities will continue to evolve but are currently limited to activities within Category B, Emergency Protective Measures
    • Activation of any State Agency/Local Emergency Operations Center
    • Purchase and distribution of consumable supplies (food, ice, water, medicine, etc.)
    • Management, control and reduction of public health and safety threats
    • Movement of supplies and persons
    • Security forces, barricades and fencing, and warning devises
    • Emergency medical care to disaster victims at a Temporary Medical Facility or Shelter
    • Temporary medical facility and/or congregate shelter
    • Communicating health and safety information to the public
    • Technical assistance on disaster management and control to State/local governments
    • Location and recovery of individuals requiring assistance (Search and rescue)
    • Locating, recovering, storing, interning of human remains
    • Mass Mortuary Services
    • Unless funded by another federal authority; Recovery/disposal of animal carcasses

Steps taken now will help you recover costs later. Gather documentation as you go and be ready to follow claim instructions! Remember that grant administration (whether by staff or contractors) including filing for reimbursement is a covered activity. Contact your County Office of Emergency Services to inquire if you can submit a Requests for Public Assistance at this time.

To view more details on required documentation and to obtain data tracking logs, click here: COVID-19 Cost Recovery Guidance. RGS Senior Advisor Hazel Joanes is an expert in emergency cost recovery. You may contact her for advice at 650-587-7300, EXT. 108 or

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