Image of City of Dublin's city hall building with trees, in California.

City of Dublin, California – one of the original Regional Government Services member agencies.



Regional Government Services Authority (RGS) is a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) founded in 2001 and began serving the needs of cities, counties, special districts, joint powers authorities, and other governmental entities in 2002. RGS works exclusively for the benefit of public agencies, providing a ready source of support and consulting services to meet the needs of its partner agencies in a broad range of disciplines and to help local governments meet three challenges:

  1. Decreasing revenues
  2. Increasing demands (and costs) for services, and
  3. Loss of experienced staff.

Local government leaders knew that these challenges were likely to continue, so agencies would have to work together – uniting not only their voices but their resources to advocate and become more efficient. The idea behind the creation of RGS was to form an agency that would help local governments share expertise and improve efficiencies. This was an emerging need. It did not require that each agency hire full-time staff. With the creation of this JPA, agencies could, in effect, share expertise through a third-party.


Today, RGS is governed by several member agencies, all with the common goal expressed in the JPA’s MISSION STATEMENT: To provide quality, innovative, cost-effective services exclusively to public agencies. In November 2020, the 5-year Strategic Plan was adopted. Current member agency representation can be found on the Board of Directors page of this website.

RGS developed a highly flexible platform of administrative support, benefit plans and programs that could serve the diverse needs of cities, special districts, counties and other joint powers authorities. Flexibility was vital because the needs of partner agencies varied and because RGS services were 100 percent fee-based. Thus, RGS costs have always been able to ramp up or down quickly, as demand changed.

To further understand RGS main service lines, please visit the Services area of the website.

View the RGS Org Chart here.

Regional Government Services Authority was formed under Section 6500, for the purpose of providing local governments with administrative, staffing and advisory services.  RGS has now served over 300 cities, special districts, joint powers authorities and other local governments and non-profits that support local governments.
