RGS operates and maintains websites for administrative purposes. This Policy establishes regulations for the development, operation, and administration of websites and ensures that the websites remain a non-public forum subject to RGS’s exclusive use and control.
The Executive Director or designee has the sole authority and responsibility for policy implementation and to make interpretations on issues that are not clearly articulated or not included in this policy. This policy will be posted on the RGS websites. Questions or comments regarding subjects or issues in this policy may be directed to:
Attn: Executive Assistant
PO Box 1350
Carmel Valley, CA 93924
e-mail: administration@RGS.ca.gov
Non-Public Forum Status
RGS websites are non-public forums and RGS reserves the right to impose certain restrictions on the websites use. The websites are reserved and controlled exclusively for RGS communication to users of the site and are not to be used to facilitate a general debate or the free exchange of ideas.
External Links
RGS has a legitimate business interest in limiting persons or organizations that might be linked to RGS websites and it may exercise discretion to ensure that the links to the websites are consistent with RGS objectives. Neither the RGS websites nor the External Links listed on the RGS websites constitute a forum for expressive activity by any member of the public.
- Each proposed External Link on the websites shall be reviewed to determine its relevance and appropriateness by the Executive Director or designee.
- RGS reserves the right to determine whether, how and where External Links will appear on its websites.
To request the addition of an External Link, applicants should send the Executive Assistant the relevant URL address, website description and purpose, and a brief statement as to how the proposed website aligns with the mission and values of RGS.
RGS websites are intended to be accessible to people with disabilities. RGS will provide required notices, contacts, and procedures as required by applicable Federal and State Law related to website accessibility and compliance. RGS wants to make this website accessible to all people. The site is designed according to principles intended to further that goal including Section 508 guidelines. Information about these guidelines may be found at https://www.section508.gov/. Requests for reasonable accommodations relating to equal access to communication, or other issues relating to RGS accessibility, should be directed to:
Attn: Executive Assistant
Box 1350
Carmel Valley, CA 93924
Email: administration@RGS.ca.gov
Trademarks and copyright
The web server(s) are maintained to provide public access to RGS information. The web services and the content of its servers and databases are continually updated. RGS attempts to maintain its website information as accurate and timely. There are no warrants, representations, or endorsements as to the quality, content, accuracy, or completeness of the content. Website materials have been compiled from a variety of sources and are subject to change without notice.
All logos, service marks and trademarks mentioned here are the property of their respective owners. RGS retains copyright on its logos, all text, graphic images, and other content, unless otherwise noted. No person or entity may use the RGS logo without approval of the Executive Director or designee.
No communication through the RGS websites is considered to constitute legal or official notice for any purpose.
Errors, omissions, warranty, damages
RGS is not responsible for any damages that may arise from the use of, or the inability to use, the websites and/or the materials contained on the websites, whether the materials contained on websites are provided by RGS or a third party.
Social Media Policy
This policy establishes social media guidelines to convey information about RGS and its events and activities. RGS has an overriding interest and expectation in deciding what is spoken on behalf of RGS.
The establishment and use of RGS social media sites are subject to approval by the Executive Director or designee. Use of social media is administered by a designated coordinator. In approving the use of a social media site, staff should use the following guidelines, including but not limited to:
- The purpose of the site, which may include the dissemination of general information about RGS or the dissemination of information regarding a specific RGS service, program, activity, event or project.
- RGS will be directly responsible for monitoring and creating content on the site. Social media sites should make clear that they are maintained by RGS and that they follow this policy.
This policy applies to all RGS employees, contractors, vendors, or members of the public that engage with RGS social media sites.
Disseminating information
In addition to general policy provisions, the following apply to RGS’s use of social media:
- A RGS-designated coordinator will monitor content on service, activity, event, program, or project-specific social media sites to ensure adherence to this policy.
- The designated coordinator will advise staff of any concerns regarding content or comments and determine acceptance or removal of such comments.
- RGS reserves the right to restrict or remove any content that is deemed in violation of this policy or any applicable law. Any content removed based on these guidelines must be retained by RGS’s coordinator for a reasonable period and follow any applicable requirements of RGS’s document retention policy for retaining content.
- RGS’s social media policy must be displayed to users or made available by hyperlink.
- Social media pages must adhere to applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and policies.
Employees representing RGS on social media must conduct themselves at all times as a representative of RGS according to all policies.
Comment Management
The purpose in establishing a social media presence is to distribute information about RGS. Comments containing any of the following forms of content are not permitted and are subject to removal and/or restriction:
- Comments not related to the business of RGS, including random or unintelligible comments.
- Violent or pornographic content and/or language.
- Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or national origin, or any other protected class of individuals.
- Content which threatens or defames any person or organization.
- Content that is hateful or incites violence.
- Solicitation of commerce, including but not limited to advertising of any business or product for sale.
- Conduct in violation of any federal, state or local law.
- Encouragement of illegal activity.
- Information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems.
- Content that violates a legal ownership interest, such as a copyright, of any party.
Any content removed based on these guidelines must be retained by RGS in accordance with RGS’s record retention policy. RGS reserves the right to deny access to social media sites for any individual who violates this policy, at any time and without prior notice. RGS shall monitor the respective site for comments requesting responses and for comments violating this policy.