Fall 2022 Supervisor/Manager Academy – Day 1
The Supervisor/Manager Academy level focuses on the supervisor or manager role as a leader, communicating effectively, and performance management. The Academy frames these core concepts in the unique local government environment, and helps new or established supervisors and managers build trust, accountability, and effective work teams.
- Getting Work Done Through People
- Engaging Employees to Create a Positive & Productive Workforce
- Exploring the Many Roles of Supervisors/Managers
- Identifying Leadership Levels
- Building Power and Influence
- Communicating Effectively as a Leader
- Conducting Difficult Workplace Conversations
- Leading Proactively
- Creating a Culture of Accountability
- Managing Performance
- Coaching for Success
Tuesday, September 13 (must register by this date)
Tuesday, September 27
Tuesday, October 11
Tuesday, October 25
Tuesday, November 8
Tuesday, November 22
Registration: This class is full. Please contact Yolanda Taylor at ytaylor@rgs.ca.gov to be added to the waitlist.