Richard Averett (1)Richard is the Executive Director and CFO for Regional Government Services Authority (RGS). Since inception of the Authority, January 1, 2002, he has worked with the Board of Directors to implement the Authority’s strategic plan and manages day-to-day operations with a staff of professionals. Other regional-benefit programs Richard helped establish and manage include: serving as executive director of two other shared-services JPAs; chairing the STARS (Self-Directed Tax-Advantaged Retirement System), a statewide buying pool of public agencies for Deferred Compensation/Defined Contribution services at competitive pricing for public employees; and serving as president of the Municipal Insurance Cooperative, a pooled purchasing program.

Richard began is public service career as a teacher in a public school system 30 years ago, and spent most of his pre-RGS career in municipal finance with a special district, cities and a county. He served as Director of Management & Finance for Arlington County (VA) and as Finance Director for the City of San Carlos. Richard attended George Washington University as an undergraduate and Law School student, received a BA from Columbus State University, and completed the Berkeley Executive Seminar in the Goldman School of Public Policy and the UVA Weldon Center for Public Policy.