Understanding OSHA regulations regarding COVID-19 is critical to your return to work planning and practice. California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) regulations require agencies to evaluate and control hazards in the workplace, including infectious disease. All municipalities should implement strategies to protect their workforce from COVID-19.
Cal/OSHA recently issued new guidance that requires employers to update their IIPP (Injury and Illness Prevention Program) if there is a potential of infection of COVID-19 in their workplace. As noted on the Cal/OSHA website, “For most California workplaces, adopting changes to their IIPP is mandatory since COVID-19 is widespread in the community.”
RGS appreciates PARSAC’s permission to share their Infectious Disease Emergency Outbreak Response Plan with you. This Plan provides a broad view of infectious disease outbreak planning and outlines the essential steps agencies should take to keep the workforce safe and productive in order to maintain continuity of services.
PARSAC is a statewide, risk sharing Joint Powers Authority (JPA) providing comprehensive coverage to cities, towns and non-municipal public agencies throughout California. If you have any questions about this tool or to speak about its contents, contact Kin Ong, kong@parsac.org and Erike Young at eyoung@parsac.org or visit their website.
In addition, RGS Workplace Safety Advisor Michael Bendik is available at mbendik@rgs.ca.gov or 650-587-7300, ext. 34 to discuss employee safety and ways to minimize risk as your agency’s makes plans to re-engage employees and customers in physical workspaces.