[fourcol_one]Human Resources
Charley Howard joined RGS as a Senior Advisor in 2016. He began his career in employee and labor relations in the early 1980’s. Charley was a negotiator/advocate for a large statewide peace officer union based in Sacramento, and later a founding partner in a private firm providing representation services for public and private employee unions and associations throughout California and Nevada. He was responsible for contract negotiations, grievance/internal affairs investigations, discipline representation, arbitrations, and Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) and State Personnel Board (SPB) hearings.
After transitioning to management as the Human Resources Manager for an East Bay city in 2000, Charley focused on labor and employee relations, grievances, investigations, discipline, policy development, managed recruitment, testing, and hiring, developed supervisory training and is a certified AB1825 trainer, and ensured ADA / FLSA / FMLA / CRFA / DFEH / EEOC / MMBA compliance. Charley has held membership in IRANC, CalPELRA, IPMA-HR, and the State Bar of California Labor and Employment Law Section.
Charley holds a Bachelor’s degree from Cal State University, Sacramento, in Organizational Communication, and completed coursework in the UC Davis Labor-Management Relations program.